Facebook is smart..

Skrivet 2011-04-30 Klockan 20:48:49

  • My Life is a Story Written By God .I don't Know exactly how my friends came in to my story,But i hope u all will be there in it until God writes my last chapter
  • Happiness is just like a butterfly.If you chase it, it will continue to fly away. If you focus on the other things in life it will land softly on your shoulder.
  • Things you regret that you have done, are erased by time. Things you regret that you have not done, remain with you forever..
  • It hurts when we risk our heart it ends up being broken but what hurts more is when we still hold on when we're waiting for nothing.
  • Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive.
- i brist på annat.

bild från We♥it


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